that helps the parts list determine what parts can FIT in the case so you don't have to leave it open. that's what your truly going to be looking at the most and B. Just remember to look for everything down to the operating system and to actually start from the case outward. this link is a pretty good way to build YOUR pc and all the bits you need while keeping track of the money your spending and the parts you need. Do you use two monitors or desire to use two monitors or one? Are you fine with liquid cooling or is air cooling enough for you? A medium area? A small? Do you prefer to overclock the GFX or core processer or is bog standard fine. Is GW the only game you play? What else do you need this PC to do for you? Streaming art? Word processing? What's the size of the area you can devote to the PC. The big issue isn't that you want to play Gw2 its what is it that you want the PC to do for you overall.